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Giulia Anna Vada       &     Federica Alice Carlino


Actress and occasionally
set designer.
At 11, during my first show, I stammered, getting everything wrong. Good but not great. But I didn't stop, I had to redeem myself.
And the following year I got a standing ovation. Tiè.
From that moment on I did everything to grow as an artist. Conservatory for singing and violin, I studied art in high school while continuing with acting, now sure of my way. In 2012 I decided to throw myself on the cinema, my first love.
Thanks to my colleague, I made my first real shorts as an actress, but also from behind the camera.

The Rise Of The Villains
was born like this. With passion, love and a lot of effort.
And with the same passion we decided to create this Podcast.

Director and casting director in LA. I had clear ideas already at the age of 3, after having watched the "Behind the Scenes" of JURASSIC PARK.
I really started being a part of this world at 14 and honestly, that's what I want to do for the rest of my life. This work took me abroad but I return to Italy occasionally to continue some projects, especially
The Rise Of the Villains a web series that my Podcast colleague and I have now defined as "Our baby". I met Giulia in a film academy in Milan and the artistic affinity was immediate!
I have directed various projects such as
The Monster's Club or It's Cassie which are doing very well at various festivals. I work for Netflix as a reviewer sometimes I also participate in front of the camera.
The love for
casting comes from the relationship that is created each time with the actors and to have the pleasure of seeing the ink transfer from the sheet and transform into a person.

We will tell you more in our Podcast! Stay Tuned! Xx

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